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CDR library
Jun 22, 2023
🇮🇹 This week’s European carbon management spotlight: #Italy 🇮🇹
Italy currently lacks a concrete legal and policy framework regulating climate action, and its CDR policy is still in its infancy. It...
Jun 14, 2023
🇪🇺🤔 What does the EU’s Net Zero Industry Act (#NZIA) mean for carbon dioxide removal (#CDR)? 🇪🇺
As I emphasize time and time again, CDR is a key tool for reaching net zero, or even net negative, emissions. Privately-funded projects...
May 10, 2023
🇧🇪 This week’s carbon management EU country spotlight: Belgium 🇧🇪
Belgium takes a uniquely different direction than other EU countries with its carbon removal (#CDR) framework – the country divides its...
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