📑 Europe’s largest economy is kicking into gear! On Tuesday, Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck presented the key points (“Eckpunkte”) of Germany’s long-term CDR strategy (“‘Langzeitstrategy Negativemissionen”) - #LNe.
👀 The announcement is a delight to read. It is ambitious, grounded in science, and mentions all the right things in all the right ways. It bodes very well for the future of Germany and CDR in Europe.
Five key pillars of the strategy:
1️⃣ CDR Targets: the LNe will deliver dedicated technological removal targets for 2035, 2040, and 2045, as well as an indicative target for 2060. LULUCF already has targets: 2030 = 25Mt, 2040 = 35Mt, 2045 = 40Mt.
2️⃣ Assessment of available technologies: the LNe is technology open by design. It will assess effectiveness (permanence, reversability), efficiency (costs), and sustainability (co-benefits).
3️⃣ Legal frameworks: the LNe will provide a coherent legislative framework for all CDR. It aims to Identify key hurdles for each approach. Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) will be central to ensuring robust certification.
4️⃣ Financial incentives and markets: the LNe recognizes that CDR will need financial support to scale. It will explore various options, including compliance market (EU ETS) as well as national policies to fund this scale-up to create a market for CDR.
5️⃣ Research and development: the LNe will be building on work of CDRterra and CDRmare, including launching pilot projects with legislative sandboxes, e.g. to progress ocean CDR.
🌱 It is important to note that this is very early on in the process. The announcement provides the direction of travel. It will be now the task of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) to turn this into a proposal. To do so, it aims to organise stakeholder workshops focused on specific elements of the strategy.
💪 Personally, I am so excited about this. Last year, I founded the Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE), recognising the huge potential of #Germany and anticipating key legislative developments such as the LNe. Nine months later, the DVNE is up and running, perfectly suited to support the BMWK in the development of this foundational legislation to turn Germany into a global leader for CDR.
❓ What is your take? Do you share my excitement?
See here for the full 19 page announcement: https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/E/240226-eckpunkte-negativemissionen.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=4