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🧰 The latest tool for your CDR Policy toolbox 🧰

🤩 Have you see this great new initiative in carbon dioxide removal (hashtag#CDR)? The Carbon Removal Standards Initiative (hashtag#CRSI) just launched, led by the amazing Anu Khan (thanks to the Carbon180 newsletter - the Carbon Copy - if you don’t already subscribe you definitely should).

📋 CRSI aims to bring together knowledge, resources, and stakeholders with a singular focus on standards and quality infrastructure by providing technical assistance to NGOs and policymakers to develop and implement carbon dioxide (hashtag#CDR) policies, with a unique focus on quantification standards.

💚 At the heart of what they do, they believe carbon removal is a tool for climate justice which requires accountability and the ability to rigorously count the carbon. CRSI’s focus on monitoring, reporting, and verification (hashtag#MRV) is music to my ears. Carbonfuture shares this laser focus on high-quality, scaleable MRV as one of the key tools to scaling CDR.

🤓 One more thing that really got me geeked out was their fantastic Policy Landscape tool using Airtable - which gives an amazing global overview of the CDR policies by use case, jurisdiction, CDR solution covered, phase of policy development, and much, much more. You definitely need to check it out now and bookmark it.

🖇 Check it out the Policy Tracker here:

👏 Thank you and a huge congratulations to Anu Khan, Rick Wayman, and Beck Woollen - we look forward to seeing what you do next. Looking forward to collaborating with you!


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