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👣 What if I told you there’s an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint by up to 50%? 👣

🏦 And I am not talking about eating less/no meat, switching to renewable energy, and flying less (although you should be doing all of that…) It is something much easier to change: your bank.

😡 Turns out, where you deposit money has a *HUGE* impact on the planet. Banks invest your money and - unfortunately - most of them still largely opt for fossil fuel companies / funds. And that all adds up to hundreds of billions of dollars!

🌍 The difference between banks can be huge: for example, an analysis in the UK by MotherTree highlighted that £10k on a savings account with Barclays will generate 2.4t of CO2 while the same with Triodos Bank will only generate 0.3t of CO2.

📈These are shocking numbers: £30k on the wrong account would basically double your annual emissions, essentially undoing all the other good work you might be making with your environmental choices throughout the year.

🙋 So, where does that leave us? I thought I would share my own approach to managing my own personal environmental impact:

1️⃣ Try to reduce emissions in my personal life wherever possible: consume a (primarily) vegetarian diet, use renewable energy suppliers, and reduce my travelling (particularly by air).

2️⃣ I buy durable CDR to offset my personal residual emissions (this can be as little as 1% to start off with!)

3️⃣ I use a sustainable bank for my savings with Triodos Bank. They have been topping rankings for sustainability for years now. I still use a more convenient bank (Revolut in my case) for everyday usage - with very little money in it though.

4️⃣ Invest sustainably: everything I said about banks holds true for stocks and ETFs. Again, it has never been easier to invest your money in companies that do well and do good.

❓ This is just my approach based on what I know and what I feel is reasonable to do. Curious about everyone else's take? Am I missing a low-hanging fruit? Or even get something wrong?


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