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Writer's picturesebmanhart

🎉 CDRjobs is launching the “Job Board” with its first two clients 🎉

😍 This is a big day for me. Just four months ago, I had the idea of creating CDRjobs. Today, we are launching our inaugural product with our first two clients: Association Française pour les Emissions Négatives (AFEN) and Direct Air Capture Coalition.

✅ Our “Job Board” allows investors and membership organisations to display all open jobs of their portfolio or member companies directly within their websites. We make sure this user-friendly tool is always kept up to date - no manual inputs needed.

💚 For the Direct Air Capture Coalition, you will now be able to find hundreds of direct air capture (hashtag#DAC) jobs in a single place. Check it out here:

🇫🇷 For Association Française pour les Emissions Négatives (AFEN), you can now browse all CDR jobs in France (and of AFEN members) here:

🙏 Huge thanks to Quentin Servais Laval, Karim Rahmani, and Julie GOSALVEZ at Association Française pour les Emissions Négatives (AFEN) as well as Jason Hochman and Aaron Benjamin at Direct Air Capture Coalition for choosing us CDRjobs as their partners to help their members find the talent they need to scale CDR to climate relevant scale.

🗣 Do get in touch if the “Job Board” could be of interest to your organisation: Carbon Business Council, Negative Emissions Platform, Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE), Carbon Removal Alliance, European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI), German Biochar e.V. (Fachverband Pflanzenkohle e.V.), US Biochar Coalition (USBC), Enhanced Weathering Alliance (EWA), International Biochar Initiative, Carbon Removal India Alliance (CRIA), US Biochar Initiative, Carbon Removal Partners, Counteract.

👩‍💻 Finally, join over 1,200 people who signed up to our customised job emails on and follow CDRjobs here on LinkedIn.


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